Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Patron Drive EXTENDED

The Choir Boosters Board met last week and decided to extend the Choir Patron DriveThe new final turn-in date will be Friday, November 30The board hopes to allow additional time for those students who haven't had an opportunity to work toward the goal of $100 in patron contributions and give additional time to those students who are trying to win top patron collector prizes (and you'll have a chance to see additional family over Thanksgiving Break).

Patron Drive Info
  • Each OE singer is working toward collecting $100 in parton contributions
  • Patrons can be parents, friends family, church members, community members, business owners etc.
  • Students may collect patron contributions and turn-in to Cates or mailed to Olathe East
  • Patrons wishing to receive a receipt or who would like to arrange additional recognition for their contribution may contact Cates: dcatesoe@olatheschools.org
  • All patron contributions turned in by students must be turned-in in a sealed envelope clearly marked with the student name, Patron Drive and the amount
  • All patron contributions collected over $100 will go to that choir student's individual account (to pay for choir related costs--trips, tshirts etc.)
  • See the previous blog post for to copy and paste the text of a sample letter/email to send to potential patrons.  Simply update the text with your name.
  • For a digital copy of the patron brochure CLICK HERE
  • Thursday, October 25, 2012

    Update: October 25

    OE Choir Students & Parents:

    Its hard to believe we've starting working on music for the holiday concert!  We set the bar extremely high with our fall concert.  Now is the time to refocus and work for an even more amazing Holiday Concert.

    The Olathe East Choir Patron Drive will be ending on October 31.  Students wishing to participate in the "highest collector" contest must have all of their Patron contributions turned in by 3p on October 31. 

    Other Patron Drive Reminders:
    • OE Choir Student Goal: $100 in patron contributions
    • The first $100 collected goes to support the new OE Choir Boosters any remaining monies collected will go to individual choir student accounts.
    • Patrons can be anyone--parents, grandparents, rich aunts and uncles, community members etc.
    • You may direct potential patrons to the front page of the choir website (www.oechoirs.org) to print and mail in their own patron form and contribution.
    • For additional forms CLICK HERE
    • Scroll to the bottom of this blog update for a sample letter/email that you may copy and paste to send to potential patrons
    Tomorrow students in Orange & Blue Singers will perform the National Anthem at the football game vs. Shawnee Mission South.  Because Cates and Ms. Willbanks came to OE from SMS we'd love to have a GIGANTIC Choir to perform.  O & B Singers has agreed to allow ANY OE choir member who would like to join them for their performance tomorrow.  We will show the Raiders how its done!  Arrive at 6:15p and wear orange and blue.  If you tell the ticket takers at the gate you are with the choir they will let you in free.

    Orange & Blue Performs at the Football Game
    Friday, October 25, arrive at 6:15p

    District/State Audition Prep Day
    Saturday, October 26, 1-4:00p
    All OE District/State Audition-ers

    Jr. Hawks Rehearsal
    Monday, October 29, 4-5p

    Hello From Olathe East Choir’s

    We are so excited to start another great year, and are off to a great start learning new music!  For those of you who have not heard we have many new things at OE, starting with our new director of choirs, Dustin Cates!

    This year we are starting a choir booster club for the first time ever at Olathe East.  Our goals are to help raise money to fund activities for the choirs and our members.  We will also use this to help some who might find it financially challenging to be involved.  It’s important to us to help those who need it.  

    So we are starting or Hawk Choirs Sponsor program this year which I hope you will consider taking part in.  Rather than selling overpriced fundraising items and only keeping a small part of the profits, we are asking for sponsors so that 100% of the money given will stay right here at Olathe East and go directly to the choir.  I have included a brochure which details the sponsorship levels for you to consider.  We have a lofty goal to raise $10,000, so anything you can do would be greatly appreciated.  When you donate, your name will be mentioned in our concert programs. AND, if the donation is large enough, I may come over and sing you a tune personally to say thanks!

    I really appreciate you reading this and hope you will consider helping us out!

    Musically yours,

    Friday, October 12, 2012

    2012 Dist/State Audition Cut Results

    Congrats to the following singers who will be representing Olathe East at All-District/All-State Choir Auditions!

    Meredith Hollan
    Kelsey Knecht
    Angela Li
    Kierra McKevery
    Kelley Sharp
    Courtney Claxton
    Joy Donnelly
    Monica Sigler
    Viktoria Sterkhova
    Nikolas Andrews
    Arthur Clifford
    Sam Edwards
    Luke Harbur
    Grant Johns
    Collin Christensen
    Adam Holthus
    Greg Miller
    Marshall Monrad
    Chris Strange

    Thursday, October 11, 2012

    Outstanding Concert!

    Choir Students & Parents,

    Wow!  What a top-notch Fall Concert!  I was extremly proud of each performance on Wednesday and hope that each choir student was as well.

    As we began this school year together we decided to work to create an inclusive environment.  One where each of us saw ourselves not only as part of our individual choir class, but as a part of something greater--choir at Olathe East.  We decided that our singing was for us as individulas, but most importantly for something greater than ourselves.  We work to dim an empasis on lables and levels and work for our best.  We aim for our music to move, reflect, touch and cause others to grow.  Our Fall Concert was our first opportunity to allow our music to speak all of those things and we are off an outstanding start!

    Thank you for your hardwork and for singing for something greater than yourselves.  If this is where we begin I can't wait to see where we end up next!

    Enjoy your long weekend and I'll see you Monday!


    Armonizzare Ntl. Anthem Performance @ Football
    Tomorrow, October 12, 6:15p, CBAC
    Madrigals Performs on the UMKC Conservatory Fall Choral Concert
    Sunday, October 14, 3p, Village Pres.

    Tuesday, October 9, 2012

    Concert Tonight!

    Student Call: 6:15p
    -In concert attire
    -Chorale/Madrigals/Armonizzare: Choir Room
    -Orange & Blue: Orchestra Room
    -Hawk Men/Belle Chanson: Drama Theatre

    Concert 7p, OE Auditorium

    Monday, October 8, 2012

    Update, Monday, 10/8/12

    Choir Students & Parents,
    We are entering a busy week for the choral department!  I hope all of you are as excited as I am about our first choir concert this Wednesday!  In an effort to make the performance the best it can be please stay on top of all of the important details related to making this concert a success.  We have to opportunity to plan to be successful rather than it happen by accident--LET'S DO THIS!


    Concert Attire
    • We are down to the wire in getting various concert attire items passed out.  Below is the latest information regarding various concert attire items:
    • Character Shoes - most women have received their shoes.  Those who have not should get them tomorrow or Wednesday.
    • Tuxes - tux shoes should arrive tomorrow.  Those men who are trading or renting tux items should take care of this ASAP.
    • Men getting new Tuxes and Chorale Women - we will be hemming pants and dresses in-class tomorrow and Wednesday.  Parents comfortable hemming the dress or pants may do so--otherwise we will alter them over the next two days.

    Required Dress Rehearsal
    • Tomorrow, Tuesday, October 9, from 3:15-5p, OE auditorium. 
    • Do not wear your concert attire to the rehearsal.
    • We will make every effort to finish before 5p
    • Students are required to be present for the entire rehearsal to receive full credit. 
    • Singers with conflicts should have communicated with Cates or Mrs. Holthus ahead of time. 
    • Make-up assignments will only be given for excused absences. 
    • The rehearsal is worth 150 points.

    • Wednesday, October 10, 7:00p, OE Auditorium
    • Student Call Time: 6:15p
    • Students should arrive in concert attire ready for warm-up
    • Singers are required to remain for the entire performance to receive full credit.
    • Our concerts are our "unit tests" - 200 points
    • Conflicts should be communicated to Cates or Mrs. Holthus in advance.
    • Make-up assignments will be given for excused absences only.
    • Friends, family and community members are welcome and encouraged to attend! 
    The Choir Patron Drive is underway!  Each OE choir member received a packet with 5 patron brochures and an information sheet regarding the patron drive.  Our individual student goal is $100 in patron contributions.  The Patron Drive will last until October 31.

    Other Patron Drive Details
    • The first $100 of each student's patron collections will go to help fund our newly formed Olathe East Choir Boosters.  All additional funds collected will go to individual student choir accounts to pay for items like trip payments, concert attire and other choir related expenses.
    • Cash or check made payable to Olathe East Choir is accepted.
    • Patron contributions pay be mailed to Olathe East or turned in by individual students.  Contributions must be in a sealed envelope clearly marked "Patron Drive" along with the student name and amount.
    • Prizes for top collecting students and top collecting classes