Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Patron Drive EXTENDED

The Choir Boosters Board met last week and decided to extend the Choir Patron DriveThe new final turn-in date will be Friday, November 30The board hopes to allow additional time for those students who haven't had an opportunity to work toward the goal of $100 in patron contributions and give additional time to those students who are trying to win top patron collector prizes (and you'll have a chance to see additional family over Thanksgiving Break).

Patron Drive Info
  • Each OE singer is working toward collecting $100 in parton contributions
  • Patrons can be parents, friends family, church members, community members, business owners etc.
  • Students may collect patron contributions and turn-in to Cates or mailed to Olathe East
  • Patrons wishing to receive a receipt or who would like to arrange additional recognition for their contribution may contact Cates: dcatesoe@olatheschools.org
  • All patron contributions turned in by students must be turned-in in a sealed envelope clearly marked with the student name, Patron Drive and the amount
  • All patron contributions collected over $100 will go to that choir student's individual account (to pay for choir related costs--trips, tshirts etc.)
  • See the previous blog post for to copy and paste the text of a sample letter/email to send to potential patrons.  Simply update the text with your name.
  • For a digital copy of the patron brochure CLICK HERE