Monday, November 12, 2012

Congrats OE All-District Choir Members!

OE Choir Students & Parents!

First, Mrs. Holthus and I would like to extend a HUGE thank-you to all of the parents and students who helped in one way or another as OE hosted the NEKMEA All-District/All-State Auditions.  Countless teachers, parents and audition participants were extremely complimentary of our facility and how we ran our auditions!

In addition to being outstanding hosts our audition-ers ROCKED!  Each of our audition participants represented Olathe East with CLASS!  Congrats to the following students who will participate in the 2012 Northeast Kansas All-District Choir:

Nikolas Andrews
Collin Christensen
Arthur Clifford
Joy Donnelly
Sam Edwards
Anna Elliot
Luke Harbur
Adam Holthus
Grant Johns
Kelsey Knecht
Angela Li
Kierra McKevery
Marshall Monrad
Kelley Sharp
Monia Sigler
Viktoria Sterkhova
Chris Strange

A complete list of All-District Choir participants will be available soon at

I am so proud to be your director!  Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication!

Happy Monday!