Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Fall General Choir Boosters Meeting
TONIGHT | 6:30-7:00p | OE Choir Room (412)

FREE COOKIES, COFFEE and information about one of the MOST AWESOME high school choral programs on the planet!  How could you turn that down?!

If you are a parent of an Olathe East choir student you are automatically a member of the Olathe East Choir Boosters (congrats!).  All parents are encouraged this short but important meeting.  We only have two General Choir Boosters Meetings each year--you can do it! 

See you tonight in the choir room!

PS--Tonight feel free to use the main entrances to the building OR we will have the back door to the choir room (in the back of the building - marked "Y")

Sunday, September 22, 2013


I hope everyone is having a great Weekend!  Two items regarding yes
Fridays eNote: one clarification and one addition.

Get out and enjoy the fall weather (after you practice your music)!


The eNote mentioned that students could use money in their individual student choir account to pay for their Tshirt.  This is accurate.  However, at this point charms won't allow payment to be made from funds in a student account without the charge being made to the student account first.  Short version of that:  if you would like to make a payment via your choir account email boosters treasurers Kristin & John Howell krhowell@everestkc.net and the transfer will be made.

All OE Choir parents are encouraged to attend our first of two yearly Choir Boosters General Meetings this Tuesday , September 24 at 6:30p in the choir room. We will work to keep the meeting to 30-45 min.  This meeting is a great way for new choir parents to plug in  to leadership roles or simply get more information about Choir Booster support. For more information contact Boosters President Johnna Meyer: Johanna.meyer@royals.com.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Update: 9.20.13

We are currently accepting orders for 13.14 OE Choir Tshirts (see above).  Shirts are $6.00.  Students and/or parents interested in ordering a tshirt may submit their name and size by CLICKING HERE.  Choose to log-in as a student and enter room number: oechoirs.  You will then be asked to enter your first and last name and tshirt size.

There are two options to pay for the shirt:
  • Send a check (made payable to OE Choir Boosters--with student name in the memo) or cash to school.
  • Log-in to www.charmsoffice.com, click on the online store icon and pay online (.18 handling fee).
  • Log-in to www.charmsoffice.com and make a payment using funds in a students choir account.

OE 9th grade choir students will have the opportunity to audition for the KMEA Middle Level Honor Choir, the All-State Choir experience open to our freshmen. The festival takes place in Wichita on February 28th, 2014, as part of the Kansas Music Educators Convention.  The best 6th-9th grade singers in the state of Kansas will be participating in this festival. 

Students will prepare audition materials in class.  Each  student must pay $5.00 for the audition (a KMEA requirement).  If accepted, there is an additional fee of $50 per student which covers their T-shirt, lunch, rehearsal CD, and other festival expenses.  OE will cover the $50 fee for any of our students who are accepted.  $5.00 payment maybe submitted via cash or check (made payable to OE Choir Boosters with student name in the memo) or by submitting a payment on www.charmsoffice.com.  

Once the 160 voice choir has been selected, the list of those students will be posted on the KMEA website (www.ksmea.org) by Nov. 8th.

All concert attire forms have been processed.  Charges should be reflected on individual student accounts in Charms.  Payment is due August 30 and may be submitted by cash or check (made payable to OE Choir Boosters with student name in the memo) or online by logging into www.charmsoffice.com.

Women who do not need any alterations to their dress should take the dress home.  Alterations will be made over the next two weeks.  Men's tuxes and blazers will also be arriving in the next two weeks.

If you chose not to order character shoes through the choir department you are welcome to purchase those from any vendor.  Locally we recommend:  
Degage Dancewear
10350 Metcalf Ave.
Overland Park, KS

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Update: 9.5.13

OE Choir Students & Parents:

We are off to an outstanding start to our year!  Thank you to the students and parents who attended our All-Choir Ice Cream Social and to the booster parents who helped plan and serve at the event--particularly Karen Eisele.

As the newness of the year wears off we are going to begin discussing our goals, both individually and as a group.  Be thinking about what your goals are for yourself and your choir.

Enjoy the rest of your shortened week!


Concert Attire Forms  have been passed out in class.  CLICK HERE for a form. Students should:
  • Print their name and hour clearly
  • Circle the item(s) they need according to the printed description
  • Receive an invoice for concert attire items via email through charms. 
  • Log in to charms and submit payment online OR by check with the student name and "concert attire" clearly printed in the memo
Payment due by: September 30

Please contact Cates (dcatesoe@olatheschools.org) if you need additional payment arrangements.

Mid-Term Grades will be submitted next week.  Outside of weekly participation we have a few other assignments that will appear on progress reports:

If you haven't taken care of these important items please do so ASAP.


Men's Wearhouse will be here on the following days to measure men during class:

Monday, September 9

Friday, September 13
Madrigal Singers

IMPORTANT:  if you miss the measurement at school you must go to the Men's Wearhouse (13540 S Alden St, Olathe, KS 66062)

Next Wednesday is 'Merica Day--for Homecoming Spirit Days.  In honor of this day all choir members are invited to meet in the north end of the commons at 7:45a to sing the Star Spangled Banner at 7:50a.  Students will not be excused from being tardy to 1st hour--we should be finished singing at 7:51a which will allow you 9 min. to get to class. :-)