Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Happy Holidays!

OE Choir Students & Parents:

I hope you all are enjoying your Winter Break!  From Masterworks, to Carnegie Hall to our Holiday Concert we have had a very busy and very rewarding Fall Semester.  I have enjoyed reading your Semester Final Evaluations and am looking forward to working with each of you to make next semester even awesome!

Thank you for all of your hard work and musicianship this semester!  Tell your parents, siblings, family and other important people in your life that you love them!  Expressing how much you value someone can often be more important than any gift under the tree (especially Mom and Dad--they're the only ones you've got).

From Mrs. Holthus, Ms. Willbanks and myself--we are so thankful to be your teachers and hope you have a safe and meaningful holiday!


PS:  Don't forget to check out the Olathe East Madrigal Singers on KSHB 41's Sounds of the Holidays, a special that airs at 10am on Christmas morning featurning local high school music programs.  You can also watch all of the performances individually by CLICKING HERE.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Holiday Concert Info

Parents we need your help with cookies and punch for our post concert reception.  Use the following like to sign-up: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/409054FAEAB229-oechoir/5712069

We will set-up and finish decorating the auditorium for our concert tomorrow (Sunday, 12.8.13) from 2-4p.  Enter thru the back door to the choir room (door Y).  Helping with this event is worth points toward lettering in choir.

Monday, 12.9.13, 3:10-5p in the auditorium.  Required for ALL CHOIR STUDENTS. 150 points.  Students DO NOT need to wear concert attire.

Student call time: 6:15p | Concert 7p

Concert is in two acts-

First act, students will wear normal concert attire specific to their ensemble.  

Second act students will change into "festive holiday attire"--think a holiday Old Navy commercial.  No jeans, tennis shoes or shirts with large logos.  Bright sweaters, hats and scarves are highly recommended.

Before the concert, during intermission and during the post-concert reception we will be accepting donations to help support Olathe East students and their families in need this holiday season.  Please encourage those who attend the concert to consider helping.

Remember that all events listed on your performance calendar are required and graded unless otherwise indicated.  Students with conflicts must communicate those conflicts verbally to their director as well as log their conflict on Conflict eForm located on the home page of www.oechoirs.org.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Update: 11.5.13

OE Choir Students & Parents:
A big thank you to those who have taken care of any outstanding balances on your choir account.  Managing the individual accounts of all the choir students at Olathe East is a HUGE task.  The more diligent you are about ensuring that your account is current and accurate the easier it is on the Choir Boosters who have volunteered to help with this task.  Speaking of...we all owe a gigantic THANK YOU to our Choir Boosters Treasurer, John and Kristin Howell and President, Johnna Meyer for tackling our choir accounts--the amount of time and effort that goes into this duty is equivalent to a part-time job!  YOU ARE AWESOME and we are lucky to have you!

Can you believe its already November?!


Come see our Musical Theatre Rep Class' production of the hilarious, "Monty Python's Spamalot"!  The show runs November 7-9 at 7:30p with a 2p Matinee on November 9.  Tickets are available at www.oetheatre.com.

Choir has more participating students than any other club, activity or sport at Olathe East.  With that we also have the opportunity to make the biggest impact on this year's Canned Food Drive.  Please don't forget to bring a canned food item(s) to your third period class now thru Nov. 20!  YOU CAN DO IT!

Our New York City/Carnegie Hall Trip is just 22 days away!

  • Final trip payment: November 8
  • Final Required Trip Meeting: November 18 OR November 20 @ 6:30p in the Drama Theater

Olathe East will be hosting All-District/All-State Band, Choir and Orchestra Auditions on November 16.  This event will bring over 2,000 student musicians, parents and music teachers to our building.  We need your help!  Students may sign-up in the choir room.  Parents use the link below:
Questions--contact Karen Eisele, OE Choir Boosters VP-Hospitality: kareneisele@gmail.com.

It has been brought to our attention that some choir emails, due to the large number of recipients, are going to "junk mail".  Please check your junk mail for choir emails and make sure we are on your "safe senders" list.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Update: 10.30.13

The OE Choir Patron Drive will be wrapping up November 15.  While we will continue to accept patron contributions throughout the year the prize and profit portion of the patron program will end on November 15.  For more information CLICK HERE.

The choir tshirts will arrive sometime on Monday.  Those students who have paid for their shirt ($6) may take them home.

Last night all choir students received a statement of their individual choir account.  Please work to pay any outstanding balances as soon as possible.

Please make plans to come see the Fall Musical: Monty Python's SPAMALOT next week: November 7-9.  For information or to purchase tickets visit www.oetheatre.com.

Friday, October 18, 2013


Chorale, Madrigals and Armonizzare will perform tonight with the K-State Concert Choir at Redemptorist Catholic Church (3333 Broadway KCMO).  The concert begins at 8p and admission is FREE!

Come enjoy a great concert in one of Kansas City's most historic and beautiful churches!

Students riding the bus should arrive at OE by 6:30 for a 6:45 departure in concert attire. Enter thru the back door of  the choir room (door Y). We should return by aprox. 9:30.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Fall Choir Concert TONIGHT

Our Fall Choir Concert is TONIGHT!

  • We will be taking our group yearbook photos tonight before the concert-it is extremely important that all students arrive on time and in their concert attire or they will be excluded from the photo.
  • Student Call Time-6:15p  (Madrigals and Armonizzare @ 6p for their photo)
  • The concert will start at 7p and should last a little over an hour.
  • Our concerts are the equivalent to unit tests in non-performing classes--this means they are an important part of your grade.  Students who arrive on-time, sign-in, participate fully, remain for the entire concert and demonstrate appropriate concert etiquette and behavior will receive full credit.
  • Students may not use their cell phones during the performance
  • Students must remain seated during the concert.  Use the restroom before warm-up and the start of the concert.  If for some reason you must leave the auditorium see Cates or Mrs. Holthus.
  • Please invite parents friends and family!  
  • Remind them of our Concert Etiquette Policy--
    • No Food or Beverage in the Auditorium
    • No cell phone use while the performance is in progress
    • If you must enter or exit the auditorium while the concert is taking place please do so during the applause between performances
    • Use the auditorium lobby to soothe crying children
I know this seems like a lot of "rules" however all of these guidelines are an effort to support the three months of hard work you have put in to prepare this music, for our audience members to enjoy it and to "keep it classy"!  

Mrs. Holthus, Ms. Willbanks and I are super excited for everyone to hear you tonight!  Let's have an awesome fall concert!


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Fall Concert TOMORROW


TOMORROW - October 10 - OE Auditorium
Student Call - 6:15p
Concert Begins - 7:00p
Approx. End Time - 8:15p
Students must arrive on time and stay for the duration of the concert to receive full credit.

Conflicts - students with conflicts should have communicated these to their director (Holthus or Cates) and submitted them on the CONFLICT LOG on the choir website.

Concert Attire
All concert attire items are required to perform.

  • Belle Chanson - Choir robes (picked up before the concert) and character shoes
  • Bel Canto, Armonizzare, Chorale & Mad Women - Black formal dress and character shoes
  • Eastmen - Navy Eastmen Blazer, Orange & Blue Stripe Tie, White Dress Shirt, Black or Brown Dress Shoes and Belt
  • Chorale & Mad Men - Full tux (Tux Pants, Tux Coat, Tux Shoes, White Tux Shirt).  Chorale men--black vest and tie; Mad men--silver vest and tie

Sign-in - all students are responsible for signing in on the roster posted in their warm-up area.

Finale number rehearsal - we will run thru the finale number of the concert after-school today (10.9.13)--this rehearsal will last 15-20 min.

Seminar Dress Rehearsal - tomorrow during seminar we will walk through the concert for logistics (where we will sit, getting on and off the risers etc.).  Students should report directly to the choir room--they will be excused through attendance.

INVITE YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY!  We are going to have an outstanding concert!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Fall General Choir Boosters Meeting
TONIGHT | 6:30-7:00p | OE Choir Room (412)

FREE COOKIES, COFFEE and information about one of the MOST AWESOME high school choral programs on the planet!  How could you turn that down?!

If you are a parent of an Olathe East choir student you are automatically a member of the Olathe East Choir Boosters (congrats!).  All parents are encouraged this short but important meeting.  We only have two General Choir Boosters Meetings each year--you can do it! 

See you tonight in the choir room!

PS--Tonight feel free to use the main entrances to the building OR we will have the back door to the choir room (in the back of the building - marked "Y")

Sunday, September 22, 2013


I hope everyone is having a great Weekend!  Two items regarding yes
Fridays eNote: one clarification and one addition.

Get out and enjoy the fall weather (after you practice your music)!


The eNote mentioned that students could use money in their individual student choir account to pay for their Tshirt.  This is accurate.  However, at this point charms won't allow payment to be made from funds in a student account without the charge being made to the student account first.  Short version of that:  if you would like to make a payment via your choir account email boosters treasurers Kristin & John Howell krhowell@everestkc.net and the transfer will be made.

All OE Choir parents are encouraged to attend our first of two yearly Choir Boosters General Meetings this Tuesday , September 24 at 6:30p in the choir room. We will work to keep the meeting to 30-45 min.  This meeting is a great way for new choir parents to plug in  to leadership roles or simply get more information about Choir Booster support. For more information contact Boosters President Johnna Meyer: Johanna.meyer@royals.com.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Update: 9.20.13

We are currently accepting orders for 13.14 OE Choir Tshirts (see above).  Shirts are $6.00.  Students and/or parents interested in ordering a tshirt may submit their name and size by CLICKING HERE.  Choose to log-in as a student and enter room number: oechoirs.  You will then be asked to enter your first and last name and tshirt size.

There are two options to pay for the shirt:
  • Send a check (made payable to OE Choir Boosters--with student name in the memo) or cash to school.
  • Log-in to www.charmsoffice.com, click on the online store icon and pay online (.18 handling fee).
  • Log-in to www.charmsoffice.com and make a payment using funds in a students choir account.

OE 9th grade choir students will have the opportunity to audition for the KMEA Middle Level Honor Choir, the All-State Choir experience open to our freshmen. The festival takes place in Wichita on February 28th, 2014, as part of the Kansas Music Educators Convention.  The best 6th-9th grade singers in the state of Kansas will be participating in this festival. 

Students will prepare audition materials in class.  Each  student must pay $5.00 for the audition (a KMEA requirement).  If accepted, there is an additional fee of $50 per student which covers their T-shirt, lunch, rehearsal CD, and other festival expenses.  OE will cover the $50 fee for any of our students who are accepted.  $5.00 payment maybe submitted via cash or check (made payable to OE Choir Boosters with student name in the memo) or by submitting a payment on www.charmsoffice.com.  

Once the 160 voice choir has been selected, the list of those students will be posted on the KMEA website (www.ksmea.org) by Nov. 8th.

All concert attire forms have been processed.  Charges should be reflected on individual student accounts in Charms.  Payment is due August 30 and may be submitted by cash or check (made payable to OE Choir Boosters with student name in the memo) or online by logging into www.charmsoffice.com.

Women who do not need any alterations to their dress should take the dress home.  Alterations will be made over the next two weeks.  Men's tuxes and blazers will also be arriving in the next two weeks.

If you chose not to order character shoes through the choir department you are welcome to purchase those from any vendor.  Locally we recommend:  
Degage Dancewear
10350 Metcalf Ave.
Overland Park, KS

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Update: 9.5.13

OE Choir Students & Parents:

We are off to an outstanding start to our year!  Thank you to the students and parents who attended our All-Choir Ice Cream Social and to the booster parents who helped plan and serve at the event--particularly Karen Eisele.

As the newness of the year wears off we are going to begin discussing our goals, both individually and as a group.  Be thinking about what your goals are for yourself and your choir.

Enjoy the rest of your shortened week!


Concert Attire Forms  have been passed out in class.  CLICK HERE for a form. Students should:
  • Print their name and hour clearly
  • Circle the item(s) they need according to the printed description
  • Receive an invoice for concert attire items via email through charms. 
  • Log in to charms and submit payment online OR by check with the student name and "concert attire" clearly printed in the memo
Payment due by: September 30

Please contact Cates (dcatesoe@olatheschools.org) if you need additional payment arrangements.

Mid-Term Grades will be submitted next week.  Outside of weekly participation we have a few other assignments that will appear on progress reports:

If you haven't taken care of these important items please do so ASAP.


Men's Wearhouse will be here on the following days to measure men during class:

Monday, September 9

Friday, September 13
Madrigal Singers

IMPORTANT:  if you miss the measurement at school you must go to the Men's Wearhouse (13540 S Alden St, Olathe, KS 66062)

Next Wednesday is 'Merica Day--for Homecoming Spirit Days.  In honor of this day all choir members are invited to meet in the north end of the commons at 7:45a to sing the Star Spangled Banner at 7:50a.  Students will not be excused from being tardy to 1st hour--we should be finished singing at 7:51a which will allow you 9 min. to get to class. :-)

Monday, August 26, 2013

Important Choir Assignments

Two important choir assignments due this Wednesday/Thursday:

1.  SUBSTANCE ABUSE FORM.  CLICK HERE to download the district Substance Abuse Policy form.  This form is due on Wednesday or Thursday (depending on when your class meets).

2.  ENOTE VERIFICATION: PRINT this eNote update and fill-in the information below:

Print Student Name

We have subscribed to the Hawk Choir eNote:

Student Signature

Parent Signature

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Welcome Back!

OE Choir Students & Parents:

Welcome back to what I know will be an outstanding school year!  If you are new to choir this is the first Hawk Choir eNote our Olathe East Choir blog.  Please scan each update you receive for information regarding your/your child's ensemble.

Mrs. Holthus, Ms. Willbanks and I are looking forward to an awesome year of music making!


Our first choir assignment for 60 points is due tomorrow, Wednesday, August 21 (Thursday for students who don't have class tomorrow).  The assignment is in three parts: Updating Charms and Subscriptions to OE Choir Texts and the Hawk Choir eNote. Please complete this important (and easy) assignment ASAP!

For a copy of the assignment CLICK HERE.

The All-Choir Ice Cream Social is next Tuesday, August 27, at 6:30p in the OE Commons.  All choir students and their families are welcome.  Please CLICK HERE to RSVP by Friday, August 23.

There will be a quick meeting for those students/parents going on the New York Trip immediately following the Ice Cream Social on Tuesday, August 27.  We will be discussing or rooming assignments and sight-seeing/Broadway show options.  

All choir students received a copy of this year's Choir Handbook.  If you didn't receive a copy or would like another CLICK HERE.

Over the next several updates we will review a few important points addressed in the choir handbook:
Choir is a performance based class--choir grades are based on a student's participation and engagement in daily rehearsals and scheduled performances/events.  Events on the choir schedule are required unless otherwise specified   They are our equivalent to tests and quizzes.  Conflicts will arise, however, they must be communicated as soon as possible.

Our current Choir Calendar of Events was passed out in class and is also on the last page of the Choir Handbook.  Please note that all dates are subject to change.  Should a date change take place we will send notification via the Hawk Choir eNote.  Our most current calendar is housed on the choir website: www.oechoirs.org.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Orange & Blue Revue/Banquet

Tickets are $5.  To purchase a ticket in advance CLICK HERE.  While we will have a print out of online ticket sales bringing your receipt won't hurt.  Tickets will be reserved under your name at Will Call.  Tickets may also be purchased from Mrs. Holthus or Cates.

The Choir Awards Banquet starts at 5p on May 10 before the 7:30p performance of Orange & Blue Revue.  Dinner reservation deadline is May 7.  CLICK HERE to make reservations.  While we will have a print out of online reservations bringing your receipt won't hurt.

To purchase your show shirt CLICK HERE.  Shirts are $9.

Many students saw their "proposed class schedule" on Wednesday.  If your choirs were inaccurate we will make the necessary changes. 

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Update: 4/30/13

OE Choir Students & Parents:

Congrats to all of our singers who participated in State Solo/Ensemble Music Festival this past Saturday!  Olathe East was well represented thanks to your outstanding musicianship!

Please go over the information below carefully.  We have LOTS of fun and exciting things happening to end the year and I don't want you to miss out!


Don't forget to check out our Musical Theatre class's production of Into the Woods!  The show opens tomorrow and runs through Saturday.  You can purchase tickets at www.oetheatre.com or at the door.

This years Choir Awards Banquet will take place on May 10 at 5:00p before the 7:30p performance of Orange & Blue Revue (spring show).  Reservations are required for dinner.  To purchase your dinner tickets CLICK HERE.  You may choose to attend the awards presentation only at 6:00p.

Orange & Blue Revue, our choir spring show, is Friday, May 10 at 7:30p.  Tickets are on sale now!  They are $5 each and can be purchased by CLICKING HERE or from an OE Choir student.  Tickets purchased online will be available at Will Call.

Senior Program Ads
Ads must be purchased and submitted to Cates (dcatesoe@olatheschools.org) by May 1.  To pay for your senior ad CLICK HERE.
Senior Bios
Seniors must complete their Bio eForm by May 1 to be included in the program.  CLICK HERE to access the form.  If you forget your mom will be MAD.  She will send me an angry email and I will respond, "I'm really upset that your son/daughter missed the deadline despite daily reminders and messages."  This will result in mom no longer being angry with me but with you--DON'T FORGET :-)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Choir Banquet/Spring Show

CONGRATS to those of you who voted for ORANGE & BLUE REVUE that will be the new name for our spring show!

A few changes regarding the evening of May 10:

  • The Choir Banquet/Awards will begin at 5pm in the commons.  Reservations are required if you wish to have dinner.  Invitations/reservation forms will go home on Friday.
  • Orange & Blue Revue (spring show) will begin at 7:30p and not 7p to allow students time to warm-up and prepare for their performance after the banquet.
  • Note that we will charge admission for Orange & Blue Revue ($5 per person).  We will be adding costuming, a live band and other elements to the show that will be paid for by the cost of admission.  Tickets may be purchased online now or next week from an OE Choir student.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

April 13 Small Ensemble Times

Below are the April 13, Regional Solo/Ensemble (@ O South) performance times for our small ensembles.  A comprehensive schedule that includes both solos and ensembles will be distributed once we have determined our 31 soloists.

9:20  Belle Chanson Ensemble

10:45  MiniMads

1:08  Hawk Men

2:10  Madrigal Singers

2:28  Mad Men

2:44  Mad Women

3:15  Armonizzare

Singers should plan to arrive 30 min prior to their performance time for warm-up.


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Vote for a Spring Show name!

The choir officers have selected their top 4 potential spring show names from your suggestions--now the choice is in your hands!  Use the link below to vote:

Voting will remain open until Friday, April 12th.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Update: April 2, 2013

OE Choir Students & Parents:

Contest season is in FULL effect in the OE Choir Department!  The hard work and effort each singer is investing with morning rehearsals, voice lessons and in class will soon pay off when we perform our pieces for judges.  A quick word about before and after school rehearsals, clinics etc.--they are required.  Choir is co-curricular, this means that a portion of your grade is based on events that take place outside of the school day.  Before/after-school rehearsals, performances etc. are the equivalent to our quizzes and unit tests.  I realize that schedules are very hectic.  As your director I want you to be able to participate in multiple activities.  With that we will make every effort to be flexible.  Students with school-related conflicts, illness etc. who make an effort to communicate their conflict in advance will be issued an excused absence and given a make-up assignment.   Work, babysitting, not having a ride, poor scheduling etc. are not excused absences and no make-up assignment will be issued.  Please consult the choir calendar (www.oechoirs.org) and plan your schedule accordingly.  Every voice is needed for our success! 

Everyday we sing with more artistry!  Stay focused and committed and we will be our best!


Remaining before-school rehearsals this week:  Combined Chorale and MiniMads during A.R.T. (8:10-8:55).

The Solo/Ensemble Recital is next Tuesday, April 9, starting at 6:30p in the Wesley Chapel at the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection.  The recital is an opportunity for our soloists and small ensembles to perform one of their numbers for a judge.  The recital is not required.  Soloists who plan on participating need to make plans to have their accompanist present (or communicate with Ms. Willbanks about playing for the recital) and CLICK HERE to submit your song title, composer and make any special requests for performance order.  Soloists are responsible for providing an original copy of music with number measures for the judges to use.

Performance times for State Large Ensemble (April 17 - BV North) have been posted:

  • Chorale: 4:30p
  • Men: 5:05p
  • Women: 5:25p

We will meet after-school at 3p to change.  Busses will depart for BVN at 3:30p.  We should return between 6 and 6:15p.

As of today the performance schedule for April 13 has not been published.  I will send out the schedule as soon as it is made available.

A few reminders to our soloists who are representing OE at Regional Solo Ensemble:

  • You must have two original copies of your music.  One for the judge and one for the accompanist (a total of 4--2 for each song).  Photo copies will result in disqualification.
  • You are responsible for bringing your books to the performance.  If you are using a borrowed book or a book that multiple singers are using make plans, according to the schedule, to make the trade.
  • Your accompanist must be paid before April 13.
  • Memorize the titles and composers of your pieces to announce:  "Good morning/afternoon, my name is first/last name from Olathe East High School.  Today I will be singing song 1 by composer 1 and song 2 by composer 2."  Begin practicing this each time your rehearse your songs.
  • Practice taking a bow and acknowledging your accompanist  as well.
  • Plan to dress-up or wear your concert attire--you look good, you sound good.

Our next fundraiser for students going on the New York Trip is TRIVIA NIGHT!  Round up a team of 4-6 friend and/or family and reserve a table!  The evening will feature emcee Dr. Weber, trivia, a silent auction, great prizes and FUN!  Trivia Night is Saturday, April 20 at the Sports Cave Bar & Grill.  Tables may be reserved from an OE Choir student or by emailing OE Choir Boosters fundraising chair Rhonda Hornberger (rhonda.hornberger@yahoo.com).

Monday, MiniMads @ 7:25a
Tuesday, Combined Men @ 7:25a
Tuesday, Solo/Ensemble Recital @ 6:30p - Church of the Rez Chapel
Wednesday, Combined Women @ 7:25a
Thursday, MiniMads/Combined Chorale - During ART
Friday, April NYC Payment Due

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Summer Theatre Internship

The message below is from Brad Zimmerman, executive director of the Chestnut Fine Arts Center here in Olathe. He is looking for a summer intern:

Chestnut Fine Arts Center Summer Intern

The Chestnut Fine Arts Center is looking for a 2013 summer intern Internships are for high school or college students interested in building theatre or music related careers. Interning at the Chestnut will give students the unique opportunity to learn the "ins and outs" of professional theatre. This is a paid internship.

Position Description: The intern will have the opportunity to learn about all aspects of the Chestnut Fine Arts Center. Duties include (but are not limited to) assisting with our summer production America's Veterans, assisting in our box office with season ticket distribution, instructional assistance with our summer children's theatre camps and flexibility in helping other Chestnut employees when needed.

Skills Required: Applicants must be motivated‚ detail oriented‚ and have excellent communication skills. Applicants must have dependable transportation and availability for daytime and evening work.

To apply:
Candidates should email a resume, letter of interest and two references to chestnutfac@comcast.net.

Contact Brad Zimmerman at or 913-764-2121 with questions.

Brad Zimmerman, Executive Director
Chestnut Fine Arts Center
234 N. Chestnut
Olathe, KS 66061


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Update: 3/26/13


I hope everyone had a great spring break!  4th quarter is in full effect!  We've got LOTS of fun and exciting things on the docket as we wrap up the school year--stay informed and focused and it will be AWESOME!


As listed on our choir calendar there are several upcoming before school rehearsals to prepare for State Large Ensemble.  These rehearsals are required (150 pts).

Combined Women (Includes: Chorale, Mads, Arms, O&B and Belle Chanson)
April 2 and April 10 @ 7:25a, in the OE Choir Room

Combined Men (Includes: Chorale, Mads, O&B and Hawk Men)
March 27, April 1, April 9 @ 7:25a in the OE Choir Room

Combined Chorale (Includes: Chorale, Mads and Arms)
March 28, April 4, April 11 - During A.R.T. (8:10-8:55a)

The Olathe District 9/10 Choral Festival will be held Monday, April 1 at Olathe South.  This concert will include Orange & Blue, Belle Chanson and Hawk Men.  Students should arrive in concert attire at 6:00p.

Combined Men, Combined Women and Combined Chorale will participate in a clinic to prepare for State Large Ensemble on April 2.  Our choirs will have the opportunity to work with Mr. Brandon Williams, associate conductor of the St. Louis Symphony In Unison Chorus.

Clinic Schedule
6:30p - Combined Men
7:30p - Combined Women
8:30p - Combined Chorale

We continue to receive quite a few returned messages when communicating via email.  If you are a parent and did not receive an email on Monday, March 26 regarding helping with Regional Solo/Ensemble on April 13 your email is not included in our distribution list or has been entered incorrectly.  To correct your email log-in to www.charmsoffice.com enter the school code OEHSChoir and your child's student number.  Follow the links to update contact information.

In an effort to give our soloists and small ensembles an opportunity to sing for judges and an audience before their performance at Regional on April 13 we have quickly put together a Solo/Ensemble Recital.  The recital will be held Tuesday, April 9, starting at 6:30p in the Wesley Chapel at the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection (135th and Roe).  Each soloist/ensemble will perform one of their two pieces.  Due to late notice the recital is not required, but will be very helpful in the preparation process.  Singers do not need to stay for the entire recital.  After their performance(s) they are welcome to leave.

Our next fundraiser for students going on the New York Trip is TRIVIA NIGHT!  Round up a team of 4-6 friend and/or family and reserve a table!  The evening will feature emcee Dr. Weber, trivia, a silent auction, great prizes and FUN!  Trivia Night is Saturday, April 20 at the Sports Cave Bar & Grill.  Tables may be reserved from an OE Choir student or by emailing OE Choir Boosters fundraising chair Rhonda Hornberger (rhonda.hornberger@yahoo.com).

Friday, March 15, 2013


The last update listed April 15 as the day audition results would be available---that was an error--results will be available March 15.


Thursday, March 14, 2013

Update: 3.14.13

Auditions for the 13.14 school year are complete!  Results will be posted after-school on Friday, March 15 and on the choir website: www.oechoirs.org.

Things to keep in mind related to auditions:

  • Over 200 students auditioned for choir--the selection process was very competitive.
  • Auditions results are objective and based on a point system (25 points - vocal audition; 10 points sight-singing audition).
  • The audition results are final.
  • If you did not make the choir you wanted you should be upset.  If you aren't you didn't really want it.  However, the audition results should never be taken personally.
  • Avoid conspiracy theories ("he hates me", "He plays favorites" etc.).  There is no conspiracy and if you assume there is one you are unable to learn from the experience. 
  • If you would like feedback regarding your individual audition results I am happy to discuss them with you after spring break.

As a choir director one of the most difficult days of the year is the day audition results are posted.  Many of you will be extremely excited and I share in that excitement.   Many of you will also be disappointed and I share in your disappointment.  We have worked, based on each on audition, to place each student in the choir that will allow them to be their best. 

The next two months will begin one of my favorite seasons of the school year as it relates to choir:  CONTEST!   We participate in two music festivals (contests) sanctioned by the Kansas State High School Activities Association:
  • Regional Solo/Ensemble Festival - April 13 @ Olathe South - Includes selected soloists and small ensembles
  • State Large Ensemble Festival - April 17 @ BV North - Includes our Combined Chorale (Mads, Arms and Chorale), Combined Men and Combined Women
These two events are awesome experiences with valuable lessons regarding both work as and individual and as a team.  One point I always like to make regarding "contest" relates to our ratings.  Our performances will include singing for a judge or a panel of judges who will write constructive comments and ultimately give us a rating (1-Outstanding thru 5-Poor).  While ratings are a motivator they are not the standard by which we evaluate our performances.  The success of our singing is determined by our hardwork, growth as it relates to the entire process of preparing for and performing at contest.  Bottom line:  we will celebrate the "1" however, it will not define us.  We will strive to be the best, but our best.

The Olathe East Choir Boosters will hold its first-ever Trivia Night on Saturday, April 20, from 5-9p at the Sports Cave (11440 W. 135TH ST).  Cash and prizes for the top 3 teams!  Reserve a table of up to 5 players for $100.  Raffle and Silent Auction featuring sports memorabilia, gift certificates and more!  Reservations may be made through a OE Choir student or email Rhonda Hornberger, OE Choir Boosters Fundraising Chair:  rhonda.hornberger@yahoo.com.  Trivia Night is a fundraiser for those students going on the New York Trip. 

Monday, February 25, 2013


Choir Students & Parents:

I hope you're enjoying your snow day!

Many of you are working on finalizing your schedule and finishing enrollment for next year. I had a chance to talk with the counseling center--here are a few things to take note of when enrolling for choir:

-Choose any choir class you'd like when completing your enrollment. We'll move you to the correct class after auditions.

-If you plan to dual enroll (Chorale/Madrigals or Chorale/Armonizzare) choose one choir and in the "notes" at the end of the online enrollment indicate, "if I make xxxx I'd like to enroll in 2 choir classes, Chorale and xxx)

-The counseling center also asked that I remind you: DO NOT click FINISH if you are working on your online enrollment at home. Wait to click FINISH until you meet with the counselors.

-Choir auditions will begin this week. Audition materials have been posted on the auditions page of www.oechoirs.org

Stay warm!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Update: February 7, 2013

Students in our beginning ensembles had the opportunity to audition for Mini Mads, a mostly 9-10th version of our Madrigal Singers.  This extra curricular ensemble will rehearse before/after school and participate in Solo-Ensemble Festival.  To see the 2012-13 Mini Mads Roster CLICK HERE.


  • Trip payment #2 ($200) is due Friday, February 8.  You may choose to pay online using www.charmsoffice.com or turn payment in to Cates.  Remember checks are made out to Olathe East Choir Boosters and must have the student's first and last name in the memo.
  • If you plan to join the trip please contact Cates (dcatesoe@olatheschools.org) so he can add you as a trip participant in Charms.  If additional non-student travelers will be going on the trip please email those names to Cates so they can be added in Charms as well.
  • All trip payments are non-refundable.  

The Entertainment Book Sale has officially ended.  If you still have an Entertainment Book it must be returned.  Congrats to Brian Percival in Hawk Men--he sold 33 books!

Next week we will begin auditioning for 13.14 OE Choirs.  Audition materials will be available outside of the choir room and at www.oechoirs.org.  The audition dates listed on the choir calendar may be used if students do not have an opportunity to audition in class.  All auditions must be complete by Wednesday, March 13.  Audition results will be posted on Friday, March 15.

Important clarification:
Next year we will begin asking those students who are in Armonizzare and Madrigal Singers to dual enroll in Chorale, similar to the jazz band students being asked to take Marching/Symphonic Band.  Please note that this change will be made slowly over several years.  Exceptions will be made for students who are unable to dual enroll this year--this is not a reason to refrain from auditioning.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Update: Friday, Jan. 18

Our second of two yearly General Choir Boosters meetings will be held on Tuesday, January 22 at 6:30p in the choir room.  The meeting will last 30 min.

Following the boosters meeting we will have our first meeting concerning next year's trip to New York City.  This meeting should begin close to 7p and end by 7:30p.

To sign-up for choir texts messages send the code below that applies to you to: 571-384-4485.

  • Chorale: @oechorale
  • Madrigals: @oemads
  • Armonizzare: @oearmon
  • Orange & Blue: @oandb
  • Belle Chanson & Hawk Men: Mrs. Holthus set up your texts last semester
  • If you are going on the New York Trip: @oenyc

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Charms Account

Good News!  After an evening of working with various finance features on Charms I have:

1.  Included profit from the Patron Drive in Student Choir Accounts
2.  Set-up the trip total to be tracked in Charms

You should be able to log-in to see your current choir account balance and track your trip payments.

If you have signed up for the NY Trip and have money in your choir account it will automatically be subtracted from your trip total when each payment is due.

Feel free to log in to www.charmsoffice.com to check your choir account balance.


Update: January 8, 2013

I hope everyone had a relaxing and restful winter break!  Mrs. Holthus and I are excited to begin the 2nd Semester!  The next several months are filled with the musical: Legally Blonde, Harmony Explosion, Solo/Ensemble Contest, State Large Ensemble, State Solo/Ensemble, Spring Show and Graduation!  Make the most of all of these awesome opportunities by doing your best!  

For seniors, this will be your last chance to participate in many of these events.  It is temping to "check out" or "coast" through your final semester of high school.  I encourage you to do just the opposite--you will never get this time back.  Your full commitment will impact the memories you will have and the legacy that you will leave for choir at Olathe East!

Let's have an EPIC second semester!
Cates & Mrs. Holthus

Students participating in the Entertainment Book Sale must turn in any remaining books and money for books by this Friday, January 11.

Our first trip payment ($200) is due Friday, January 11.  Payment may be turned-in to Cates or mailed to:
  • Kala Welch, Treasurer
    OE Choir Boosters
    12743 S. Gallery St.
    Olathe, KS 66062
Below is a list of remaining trip payment due dates.  Please add these dates to your calendar.  Payments may not be submitted late.
February 8, 2013
March 8, 2013
April 12, 2013
May 10, 2013
June 14, 2013
July 12, 2013
August 9, 2013
September 13, 2013
October 11, 2013
November 8, 2013

A few points of clarification concerning the trip:
  • Parents/family members are welcome to attend.
  • Parents/family may choose to plan/pay for their trip through our travel company or make their own arrangements.
  • A student may add themselves to the trip after the first payment is due.  They simply owe the total amount due to that date. Eg. If a student decides to go on the trip on March 8 they owe the January, February and March payments ($600).
  • The trip company has assured me that alternate arrangements can be made for any football players who may be involved in a State Football game.  There could be a $100 transfer fee for airfare.
A hard-copy of the Choir Calendar of Events was passed out in class this week.  For the most current choir calendar please visit www.oechoirs.org.