Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Update: April 2, 2013

OE Choir Students & Parents:

Contest season is in FULL effect in the OE Choir Department!  The hard work and effort each singer is investing with morning rehearsals, voice lessons and in class will soon pay off when we perform our pieces for judges.  A quick word about before and after school rehearsals, clinics etc.--they are required.  Choir is co-curricular, this means that a portion of your grade is based on events that take place outside of the school day.  Before/after-school rehearsals, performances etc. are the equivalent to our quizzes and unit tests.  I realize that schedules are very hectic.  As your director I want you to be able to participate in multiple activities.  With that we will make every effort to be flexible.  Students with school-related conflicts, illness etc. who make an effort to communicate their conflict in advance will be issued an excused absence and given a make-up assignment.   Work, babysitting, not having a ride, poor scheduling etc. are not excused absences and no make-up assignment will be issued.  Please consult the choir calendar (www.oechoirs.org) and plan your schedule accordingly.  Every voice is needed for our success! 

Everyday we sing with more artistry!  Stay focused and committed and we will be our best!


Remaining before-school rehearsals this week:  Combined Chorale and MiniMads during A.R.T. (8:10-8:55).

The Solo/Ensemble Recital is next Tuesday, April 9, starting at 6:30p in the Wesley Chapel at the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection.  The recital is an opportunity for our soloists and small ensembles to perform one of their numbers for a judge.  The recital is not required.  Soloists who plan on participating need to make plans to have their accompanist present (or communicate with Ms. Willbanks about playing for the recital) and CLICK HERE to submit your song title, composer and make any special requests for performance order.  Soloists are responsible for providing an original copy of music with number measures for the judges to use.

Performance times for State Large Ensemble (April 17 - BV North) have been posted:

  • Chorale: 4:30p
  • Men: 5:05p
  • Women: 5:25p

We will meet after-school at 3p to change.  Busses will depart for BVN at 3:30p.  We should return between 6 and 6:15p.

As of today the performance schedule for April 13 has not been published.  I will send out the schedule as soon as it is made available.

A few reminders to our soloists who are representing OE at Regional Solo Ensemble:

  • You must have two original copies of your music.  One for the judge and one for the accompanist (a total of 4--2 for each song).  Photo copies will result in disqualification.
  • You are responsible for bringing your books to the performance.  If you are using a borrowed book or a book that multiple singers are using make plans, according to the schedule, to make the trade.
  • Your accompanist must be paid before April 13.
  • Memorize the titles and composers of your pieces to announce:  "Good morning/afternoon, my name is first/last name from Olathe East High School.  Today I will be singing song 1 by composer 1 and song 2 by composer 2."  Begin practicing this each time your rehearse your songs.
  • Practice taking a bow and acknowledging your accompanist  as well.
  • Plan to dress-up or wear your concert attire--you look good, you sound good.

Our next fundraiser for students going on the New York Trip is TRIVIA NIGHT!  Round up a team of 4-6 friend and/or family and reserve a table!  The evening will feature emcee Dr. Weber, trivia, a silent auction, great prizes and FUN!  Trivia Night is Saturday, April 20 at the Sports Cave Bar & Grill.  Tables may be reserved from an OE Choir student or by emailing OE Choir Boosters fundraising chair Rhonda Hornberger (rhonda.hornberger@yahoo.com).

Monday, MiniMads @ 7:25a
Tuesday, Combined Men @ 7:25a
Tuesday, Solo/Ensemble Recital @ 6:30p - Church of the Rez Chapel
Wednesday, Combined Women @ 7:25a
Thursday, MiniMads/Combined Chorale - During ART
Friday, April NYC Payment Due